Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Homework 8

What is your plan for success while you are at George Mason? Does anything that Kleon mentions here resemble what you currently do?
Keeping a routine works pretty well for me. My day job is pretty much how Kleon describes, as in it pays decently, doesn't make me want to vomit, and leaves me with enough energy to do other things. This helps me succeed at GMU because it pressures me into a time constraint to accomplish things.

How do you see those same plans translating to your professional and/or creative life once you are done at GMU? What potential suggestions that Kleon puts forth can you see yourself adopting for your own success planning?
Probably the hardest for me to follow is anything concerned with money. I'm pretty good about saving it, but I'm always tempted to enjoy my time in ways I can pay for it. I'm a sucker for going out to dinner and drinks with my friends and love to try out the newest and most entertaining business' that pop up in NoVa. So yes, keeping out of debt will be a struggle but something I should adopt from Kleon. Ideally, I'd like to have a job that doesn't make me vomit, which I don't think will be too hard to find but ya never know.

What's really important to you in your work, creative, or otherwise?
What's important to me in my work and creatively is being clear and concise enough so that others can understand what I'm communicating. Overall, I think it's maintaining an attitude and behavior that will benefit me.

What do you choose to "leave out" in your work?
For me, I try to leave out ideas I hate when processing what I want to do and focus on what speaks to me personally, really, what I want to steal from other artists.

What are your limitations?
An obvious limitation is time for me. Word limits, bedtimes, money to spend. It keeps me realistic and in check.

I actually talked about making a logbook before I read this book. A lot of times I forget when I had a thought or an idea popped into my mind or when I promised to start working out. It seems sensible and doable and will probably help me organize my mind and life a lot. I would also very much like to take a nap!

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