Saturday, April 30, 2016

Homework 7

1. What is your plan to do “good work” (in any field you are interersted in) after you graduate?

“Good work” for me comes from time commitment and dedication. After I graduate, I think the best way for me to achieve that is throw myself into whatever job I begin at.

2. What do you wonder at?

Wonder is a big idea that encaspulates a lot of my thoughts. I often think about pieces that fit together to make civilizationt tick and the type of organizationt that requires. There must be a factory that manufactures the nails that screw into a chair, of which the leather came from some cow, was cured, and sold to a leather outlet, and the screws and leather came together to become a chair in a coffee shop. The mechanics to everything fascinate me, and the people who are behind all the labor to make something so simple. But wondering can also come from “what ifs” and “should haves”, but that’s the most troubling type of wondering I get up to.

3. Share at least one thing that you have come across recently that you think would be interesting for others in the class to see.

Any murals I come across I always like to share. I think murals are a cool form of self-expression and interesting to observe. I’m currently in Richmond, VA, which arguably has the most murals in the close vicinity of Fairfax. I also saw something recently about a recreation of Kim Kardashian’s nude selfie in Australia that takes up 3 stories of a building.

4. Are you in your ideal geographic location for what you want to do? What is your plan for making the most out of your current place?

I think it is dificult in the Washington D.C. area to really dive into media production at a large scale. Most jobs are mostly government oriented, and having interned for the government, I can safely say I’m not that interested in doing media on their behalf. My other internship is at an extremely small private school, and that experience for me has really shed light on what it would be like working for a small business (which I’m not interested in). I believe Los Angeles would be ideal for producing but that’s only based off of my limited knowledge.

5. Who are the people who follow you online (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)? [Name at least 3]. How do those people contribute to your success?

My mom, sisters, and best friend all follow me on my online presences. I think knowing they see everything I do censors me from posting and sharing bizarre news that’s not like me. Simply knowing they see what I post contributes to my success because I’m much more aware of what I post.

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